Week #9: Sales Promotion and Personal Selling
"Advertising offers the consumer a reason to buy; sales promotion offers an incentive to buy".
In june 2009, apparel manufacturer, Levi's Strauss India Pvt. Ltd (Levi's), offered to sell its well-know Levi's brand of jeans and other Levi's products on equated monthly installments (EMI) payable though credit cards. Executives of Levi's jeans knew that this offer would increase sales against the chaotic economy downturn. They planned to arrest its decline in sales through this innovative offer.
On the other hand, Levi's Eco line brand support the "going green" movement in order to promote the Levi's brand, this manufacturer has come out with a promotional campaign centered around their new organic line, Levi's Eco.
Levi's eco line organic cotton will be used to manufacture the clothing. Levi's executives are trying to create change in the future. They want people to buy their new line but at the same time help the environment. They try to make people concious about helping the environment just by wearing the eco line while still being trendy, fashion and concious consumers.
The promotional method used are (print and Tv), personal selling at stores. The estimated cost of the entire campaign was $6.5 millions. It is incredible how much they are willing to spend in order to create interest and build awareness of the new Levi's Eco line. Of course the most attractive target for them are the young demographic of adults 18-34 of middle income who value quality clothing and the hottest trends. Levi's jeans is sending the message that you can look hot and still be eco-friendly.
In fact, creating interest is often considered the most important use of sales promotion. On the other hand, personal selling allows the marketer or seller to communicate directly with the prospect or customer and listen to his or her concerns, answer questions, provide additional information, inform, persuade and possibly even recommend other products or services.